Subject: Re: le0: overflow
To: Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU>
From: Chris J. Mutter <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/17/1998 16:01:58
>     Date:        Thu, 17 Dec 1998 15:12:29 +0100
>     From:        "Chris J. Mutter" <>
>     Message-ID:  <>
>   | aha. Im using a AUI->BNC transceiver.
> That's fine.  Your error has nothing at all to do with the transceiver.
> An overflow error from a lance indicates that the lance couldn't get
> enough memory cycles (via DMA) to store the packet in memory as fast as
> it is arriving off the wire (which is at a fixed 10Mbit/sec).
> There is probably not a lot that you can do about this, aside from deleting
> the message from the kernel so you aren't bothered by it all the time.
> The lance driver is just a little noisy about some errors (though really,
> on properly designed hardware, which Suns usually are (or were) this particul
> error should never happen).
> Do you happen to have a lot of other DMA activity competing for bandwidth?

nope. I run the machine with a NFS-rootfs to a 100mbit FreeBSD box via a
switched network. Xsun is almost all that runs on the machine. I get this 
errors when opening _bigger_ apps like exmh/xemacs or netscape .. but then
it just scrolls error messages and this is annoying. or is the machine
(SS1) just too slow for that kind of network activity?? Cannot be . or?

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