Subject: need boot image for 4/110
To: None <>
From: Skip Carter <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/18/1998 10:26:40

	I was given a Sun 4/110 which I'd like to revive.

	I am trying to set it up to boot off the network.  I am using
	a Linux boot server that is already set up to network book a Sparc 1+
	and an Intel box.

	I followed the instructions in the FAQ for setting up a networked
	server and it ALMOST works, the bootup fails because the kernel
	(which I obtained in the 'sparc' section of the NetBSD archive at apparently is not set up for a sun4.

	This is what I get:

Boot: ie(0,0,0) 
Booting from tftp server at = CE37E8C6
Downloaded 44400 bytes from tftp server.

>> NetBSD/sparc Secondary Boot, Revision 1.8
>> (pk@flambard, Tue Oct 27 14:09:00 MET 1998)
Using IP Address = CE37E8C2
boot: client IP address:
boot: client name: castor
root addr= path=/user2/clients/castor/root
open: netbsd: No such file or directory: trying netbsd.gz...
Using IP Address = CE37E8C2
boot: client IP address:
boot: client name: castor
root addr= path=/user2/clients/castor/root
Booting netbsd.gz @ 0x4000
NetBSD/sparc: this kernel does not support the sun4

	Can anybody tell me where I can get a kernel that will work for
	a Sun 4/110 ?


 Everett (Skip) Carter        Phone:  831-641-0645 FAX: 831-641-0647
 Taygeta Scientific Inc.      INTERNET:
 1340 Munras Ave., Suite 314  WWW:
 Monterey, CA. 93940