Subject: Re: about installing from scrap
To: Fabrizio Catalano <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/20/1998 22:41:17
> I'm user of NetBSD on Mac68k boxes.
> Now I should like to use a Sparc2 w/ NetBSD, but I've not any idea
> about booting the bulk box.  I've got the 1.3.2 files and they
> resides on a NetBSD box, now how to do?

If you have any OS on the SS2, you can do it from the miniroot.  If
not, things get more interesting.

If you have an external SCSI disk you can use, that would help; you
could then put a Sun-compatible label on it with sunlabel (which I can
mail to anyone who wants it), newfs it on your mac68k (it won't like
the Sun label, probably, but you can newfs the c partition anyway, with
a small size if you don't want to take up the whole disk), untar the
binaries, compile and run the sparc installboot on the mac68k box (I
believe - I have used a binary built from the sun3 installboot source
on a sparc with success), and thus generate a bootable disk for the

If your external disk is a zip drive, I can give you a bootable zip
disk dd image, which you could then put on a zip disk on the mac68k.
(Actually, if the external disk is practically any SCSI disk >= 96MB,
the zip disk image should work.)

Once you have the SS2 booted under NetBSD from any source, you can
label and newfs its own disk, install things, and you're home free.

					der Mouse

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