Subject: Re: NetBSD newbie, network install?
To: Rik van Mierlo <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/25/1998 00:01:42
> I have a SS1, currently running RedHat 4.2, but I want to switch to
> NetBSD.

> Is there a way to install it from a Linux-server?

Does the SS1 have its own disk?  If so, and it has enough spare space,
you don't need another machine.  Just make a spare partition and dd the
NetBSD miniroot into there.  Then boot from that partition and you're
basically home free.  (The disk label must, of course, be
understandable by NetBSD.  Since the boot ROMs require a
SunOS-compatible label, sparclinux must understand SunOS labels and
hence this should be possible.)

If you can get sparclinux to understand FFS filesystems (hey, we can do
ext2fs, why can't they do ffs?), then you could do the whole install
from linux (assuming you have enough space).  I don't know whether
linux yet supports ffs filesystems though.

Or, of course, you can netboot, but I can't to be much help on that
side of things.

					der Mouse

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