Subject: Re: Needed: Antares 8-port Sbus serial driver
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/25/1998 09:39:08
In article <>,
The Grey Wolf <> wrote:
> cool since the Antares can support 38400 quite easily and I could thus
> avoid overloading the silly ZS ports (though to NetBSD/sparc's credit,
> I haven't seen any ring buffer overflows since I upgraded to 1.3).
I hate to tell you this, but...
> ||___| U.S.A. | 7,8 Soldered chip 11 pins all 4 edges:
Z85230 is still a silly ZS chip :-) And as you say later, it's four
ports (2 ZS chips of 2 ports each).
Good news is that the '230 has a deeper FIFO, so it should be better
than the stock ports. Also, writing a drievr should be easier, since you
just need a way to attack the existing zs driver to those chips.