Subject: Re: bootstrap does not boot the right kernel
To: Benjamin Lorenz <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/20/1998 08:10:51
> I have two kernels residing in /, netbsd-1.3 and netbsd, a -current
> kernel.  When booting with the command
>  ok boot netbsd-1.3
> the netbsd kernel gets actually loaded.  I have to [force an error
> and type "netbsd-1.3" at the boot: prompt].

Right.  This looks to me like a bug in the boot blocks - they seem to
take *any* dash as marking boot options, even if it's not preceded by

Name your kernel netbsd_1.3 or netbsd1.3 or anything else without a
dash and you should be fine.

Incidentally, thanks for the workaround - I hadn't known about it.  In
the one case where this bit me, I fortunately had a kernel named
without a dash that worked well enough to boot single-user and rename
the kernel that was named with a dash.

					der Mouse

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