Subject: xdm sudden death?
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: George Coulouris <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/31/1998 19:57:06
I've been running xdm on my SLC for 4 days or so. I logged out this
morning, did my daily thing, came home, and tried to log in, and xdm
dumped me back to the gui login screen. This happens for all users, even
root. Restarted xdm, even rebooted, and the problem persisted. I can log
in from the console and start X up ok with startx, so it's not an X or
window manager problem. Any ideas why this would happen?

George L. Coulouris -
NetBSD 1.3 - free, multiplatform unix.