Subject: Re: Memory location on Sparc 2
To: Rick Copeland <>
From: Todd Vierling <tv@NetBSD.ORG>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/17/1998 12:59:33
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Rick Copeland wrote:
: I have a Sparc Station 2 that has no memory in it. I know that it requires
: 30 pin, nine chip, 4meg sims installed four at a time. However I don't know
: where the first four should be located on the mainboard. Can someone point
: me to some on line docks with this information or tell me the sim layout?
SS2's are strange.
With that said, you should see sixteen SIMM sockets which can hold either
1MB or 4MB chips in packs of four. The order of inserting them is:
16 15
12 11
8 7
4 3
14 13
10 9
6 5
2 1
They're staggered. 8-)
-- Todd Vierling (Personal; Bus.