Subject: does NetBSD run on Tadpole SPARCbook-3?
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Wilkes <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/09/1998 22:49:09
Subject says it all: does anyone have any experience with NetBSD on the
Tadpole SPARCbook-3?

This is a sun4m laptop machine with a Weitek P9000 frame buffer.  It has
SCSI disks, and a PC-ish keyboard.

Tadpole no longer supports the SPARCbook-3 and will release absolutely no
information about their Weitek P9000 driver.  I suppose one could
disassemble /usr/sys/sun4m/OBJ/weitek.o but that would be wrong.
Personally, I wouldn't know what I was looking at anyway; I need source
code with misleading and incorrect comments to figure anything out!

I'd love to ditch SunOS in favor of NetBSD.  While slowlaris will run on
the SPARCbook-3, I am not the least bit interested.

XFree86 has a P9000 driver, but I am a hardware hacker, and porting
something like that is beyond my meager software abilities.

Has anybody out there gotten NetBSD running on a SPARCbook-3?

John Wilkes

inet:            | "Try not.
addr: 321 High School Rd NE #367 |  Do.
city: Bainbridge Island, Wash.   |  Do not.
code: 98110                      |  There is no try."
icbm: 47 02 30 N / 122 02 45 W   |     - Yoda