Subject: ptys not freed?
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/23/1997 21:28:25
I haven't experienced this on my i386, so it is very odd.  But it may be a
MI bug; I'm not sure. 

Anyone else experiencing ptys not being freed, such that:

- slave side client can hold onto the pty and pty's pgrp, even after the
master side has closed; 

- master side is reconnected to the slave side client when reopened, and
any new process the master side program spawns to the slave side cannot
seize the pty's pgrp.

I'm seeing this running Pine 3.96, and Screen 3.7.2.  I open a screen with
^A^C, run pine, then ^A^K (forcibly kill) the screen.  Apparently, the
client (Pine) never gets a SIGTERM, and when I reopen that particular pty in
Screen, I get a shell overlapping Pine where both have some input from the
keyboard, and the shell complains about TIOCSPGRP failing.  I can also 'cat'
the master of the pty and get characters from Pine doing screen updates,
indicating that the master pty side was indeed closed.

===== Todd Vierling (Personal; Business =====
== "There's a myth that there is a scarcity of justice to go around, so
== that if we extend justice to 'those people,' it will somehow erode the
== quality of justice everyone else receives."  -- Maria Price