Subject: Re: Iomega ZIP drive
To: Joachim Thiemann <>
From: NoRM <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/07/1997 16:37:17
Just incase you (or anyone else for that matter :) wants to be able to
use a ZIP drive on a sparc, here's a work-around I got from David Brownlee
You need to compile a new kernel, and disable disconnect/reselect on the
SCSI ID of the drive. Mine's set to 5, so in the kernel configuration
esp0 at sbus0 slot ? offset ? flags 0xff0f # sun4c
gets changed to
esp0 at sbus0 slot ? offset ? flags 0xff2f # sun4c
There's some comments above the line which explain in more detail what's
going on.
I've not exhaustively tested it, but it _seems_ to be working happily now
Norman R. McBride
Computing Services, City University, England (MIME)
"...the extreme case best illustrates the norm..." Stephen King
On Thu, 19 Jun 1997, Joachim Thiemann wrote:
> > Has anyone used one of these successfully under NetBSD 1.2 or 1.2.1? I
> > find after a short while that it just refuses to work. If fsck's and
> > mounts okay, then you can transfer a couple of megabytes back and forth.
> > But all of a sudden:
> >
> > esp0: RESELECT: 7 bytes in FIFO!
> > sd3(esp0:5:0): unit attention, data = 04 35 01 02 ac 00 40 00 00 05
> > 43 00 00 07 01 00 00
> > If anyone could shed some light, I'd be grateful. It works fine on my
> > Slowaris machine at work. I was hoping that upgrading to 1.2.1 would fix
> > things, but naaaah.
> Yeah, I feel for you: I've lived with the problem for a while now. pk
> (Paul Kranenburg <>) is apparently working on
> it... IIRC it's a buggy SCSI chip or something. (I have been
> using the ZIP drive on my NetBSD-amiga for the time being)
> It's my major peeve about my Sparc so far (mainly 'cause I am
> chronically short od diskspace, aren't we all...), and of course the
> %$*%^ zs0a: fifo overruns....
> Sadly, I know too little about netbsd and the SCSI protocol, never
> mind the chip, to contribute anything...
> Joe.