Subject: Re: pv_unlink (not pv_unlink0) panics?
To: Erik E. Fair <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/20/1997 20:38:19
On June 20, you wrote:
> I wanted to run 1.2.1 on my gear, but it didn't have support for
> the FSBE/S, so -current, I went...
Yup, that's my problem on this system, as well. I also need the
netatalk stuff on this system, which (I think) isn't in 1.2.1.
> There are clearly bugs in the pmap module. I'm also having a fun
> time with trying ccd mirroring, which results in pmap panics, when
> you try to mirror two drives on different controllers. I will
> shortly try testing two drives on the same controller and see if
> I can get that to die, too. This is on my test systems, however,
> not my production system. Yet.
Well hopefully someone will be able to track this down. I fear that
this type of thing is far beyond my abilities due to lack of internals
Though...I've got this system sitting here on my desk, waiting to be
put to use as soon as it's stable...if anyone things they've got this
nailed down, I'll happily test any patches immediately.
-Dave McGuire