Subject: Re: Support for SparcPrinter?
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/05/1997 06:43:10
> 1. get a network printer that already speaks TCP/IP "lpd" protocol.
>    Best win.  It will already have its own processor to do
>    rasterization, and NetBSD speaks "lpd".

Not that I'm the person who asked...but I really don't like this.  It
means that I have no control at all over the printer's networking.  I
can't replace lpr with lprng (or something even better suited to my
site's needs), for example, and have to firewall the thing away from
the net to keep randoms from spamming it with print jobs.  Unless my
network cables are secure, I have no secure communication with the
printer; essentially, I have to spring for a second ethernet and use it
somewhat as if it were a dedicated serial line.

Other than that, it's fine. :-)

					der Mouse

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