Subject: SYS.h patch
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jonathan O'Brien <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/03/1997 17:09:04
When building libc, lib/libc/arch/sparc/SYS.h wasn't a happy camper.
Don't know if this is the correct fix, but looking at other ports,
it looks right:

*** SYS.h.orig	Sat May  3 04:13:41 1997
--- SYS.h	Sat May  3 14:00:22 1997
*** 109,115 ****
   * PSEUDO_NOERROR(x,y) is like RSYSCALL_NOERROR(y) except that the name is x.
! #define PSEUDO_NOERROR(x) \
  	ENTRY(x); mov (_CAT(SYS_,y))|SYSCALL_G2RFLAG,%g1; add %o7,8,%g2; \
--- 109,115 ----
   * PSEUDO_NOERROR(x,y) is like RSYSCALL_NOERROR(y) except that the name is x.
! #define PSEUDO_NOERROR(x,y) \
  	ENTRY(x); mov (_CAT(SYS_,y))|SYSCALL_G2RFLAG,%g1; add %o7,8,%g2; \