Subject: Re: Greg slays the Netscape 4.0beta3 Goliath
To: Rick Kelly <>
From: Piranha <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/16/1997 01:44:10
Rick Kelly wrote:
> Greg Earle said:
> >Well, wouldn't you know it, a quick symlink from
> ~/.netscape/ifc11.jar to
> >/usr/local/netscape/java/classes/ifc11.jar and now Netscape
> 4.0beta3's a
> >happy camper, even w.r.t. Java. (Although I noticed that it runs
> the Java
> >apps noticably slower than 3.01, slow even for an SPARCstation
> 20/71.)
> I tried the 4.0beta3 on my sparc 2 running SunOS 4.1.4. It appears
> that
> 32 megs of memory and 64 megs of swap just isn't enough.
> The browser worked, but starting up the newsreader caused endless
> thrashing.
> I wonder how it runs on a win95 pc with 16 megs of memory?
> --
> Rick Kelly
It runs like a fiend on a P166/64mb under Linux and SS1 sits
around hoo.