Subject: Re: random signals kill my processes with NetBSD-1.2
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mike Frisch <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/03/1997 13:02:41
On Mon, 3 Feb 1997, Rob Goode wrote:

> I have the problem on my Sun SS20 (64 Mbytes,
> 1 Mbyte ecache) that a build of the NetBSD-1.2
> source distribution fails randomly during the
> build mainly with SIG 4 and SIG 11 core dumps
> of cc, cpp, make, sed, sh, etc.

I don't know if this is a related problem, but I experience the same
behaviour on my Sun 4/110.  Mostly SIG11s when compiling fairly large
applications (ie. bash).  Is this a kernel problem?  I suspected a
hardware problem, but do not see this in SunOS...


Mike Frisch	                        Email:
Northstar Technologies       WWW:
Newmarket, Ontario, Canada