Subject: Re: Is ICL teamserver compatible ?
To: Rick Kelly <>
From: Serge A. Babkin <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/14/1997 09:43:42
> >UNIX_SV iclserv 4.2MP 7MPlus.4.4 DRS 6000 sparc
> >
> >> under sunos it should give sun4? somewhere, depending on the architecture
> >> of your machine. But supersparc isn't supported anyway I think ( don't
> >> really know, just suspectin' )
> >
> >As far as I understood the previous models of these machines runned
> >some version os SunOS (at least the documentation in many cases
> >describe BSD-like system while the existing OS is absolutely not
> >BSD-like). Now they moved to their own port of SVR4 and this
> >was their big mistake. It's SO unstable :-(
> ICL has been running SVR4 on their systems for a number of years now,
> if they ran BSD, it was back in the eighties.  However, they did hack

Sorry, I said unclear. I meaned that SunOS had some BSD-likenesses (say, 
the kernel configuration). I know that it's SysV but it carried some things
from BSD. And ICL documentation still refers to it. I think SVR4
is a new system fro ICL because it's still (the last version I have
is 1 year old but it shown nearly no progress since 2 years old
version) so buggy.

> their OS to be compatible with Solaris 2.x.  The DRS 6000 is not an 
> SBUS machine, as I remember.  The Teamserver is an updated version of
> the DRS6000 that shipped after Fujitsu bought them out.

Yes, and it is SBUS.