Subject: JDK --- Corel Office Java Released!
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/13/1997 16:26:06
	Well... I found out today that Corel Office for Java has been
released in an early beta version.  It runs at a glacial speed on my
Netscape-30 (SunOS) on my NetBSD-sparc.  However, I was hoping that
someone out there could provide me with the necessary stuff to make it
run more natively.

	I gather that I simply need a java byte-code
machine... possibly with a simpler and smaller browser.


|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario.  | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:         |  equal if and only if they |
|               |   are precisely opposite.  |