Subject: Re: New hardware: Tadpole.
To: David S. Miller <>
From: Michael J. Miller Jr. <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/12/1997 15:31:19
On Sun, 12 Jan 1997, David S. Miller wrote:
I shouldn't do this, but what the hell.
This is a great illustration of why Linux is kicking the hell out
of the BSD camps. David made one smart assed post months ago,
and he still hasn't been forgiven. Of course it doesn't help that
he's from the 'enemy' camp. This 'us against the world' mentality
is getting old.
I can't keep track of all the variants of 4.4 derived BSD OS's. The
BSD camp has split so many times and over such apparently trivial issues
that I don't have much faith anymore. I stay subscribed in the desperate
hope that you guys will someday get your acts together and live up to your
Contrast this with the Linux people. They have some fairly volatile
personalities, but they seem to be able to keep things in perspective,
and starting from scratch have basically made BSD irrelevant. And they
did this in about five years. The BSD people had the advantage of
a huge base of code.
Heres some free advice. Borrow all the code from Sparc based Linux
that you can. It's the only thing thats going to save you.
Sigh, I used to really care about BSD based unix.
Flames will be sent to /dev/null BTW.
Mike Miller