Subject: Re: problems running NetBSD on 4m
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeff Weisberg <jaw@Op.Net>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/05/1997 17:19:54
matthew green <> suggests:
| sounds like maybe the shared libraries are hosed. try booting
| to single user, and run the parts /etc/rc that you see failing
| by hand.
of no help. random things still drop core for random reasons.
| you might also try taking some memory out, but this is pure
| guessing. :-)
and theo suggests:
| ah. lots of memory. kernel virtual memory exhaustion.
| take out anything over 32MB for now.
This seems to work. :-)
but running with 32M is not optimal. :-(
what do we need to do to get the rest of the memory working?