Subject: Re: This is pathetic...
To: None <>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/13/1996 22:48:01
> I can't figure out what the "unit" number should be to boot from most
> disks on a 4/110.  I have the "sun 3" boot monitor, so my syntax is
> b(controller, unit, partition)
> ... and I have no clue what numbers it's looking for!  I know that on
> a 3/80, (0,18,0) is target 6, and (0, 10, 0) was 4, I think... but I
> have disks at other addresses.  In particular, how do you spell
> "target 0 lun 0", "target 0 lun 1", and "target 3 lun 0"?

The middle "unit" number is actually Hex and it's "N" x the target i.d.

I was going to say "So obviously, target 6 times 4 == 0t24 == 0x18, and
target 4 times 4 == 0t16 == 0x10", but this doesn't sound right.  Because
I always remember the mutiplier as being *8*, not 4.  e.g., booting from a
CD-ROM used to be "> b (0, 30, 2)" in old non-OBP nomenclature.

Now that I think of it, having each number multiplied by 8 allows one to use
the LUN as an offset; i.e. "unit" === ((target i.d. x 8)  + LUN #).  Yeah,
that might be the ticket.   *Dusts cobwebs off of old memory cells*

	- Greg