Subject: Re: Performance NetBSD vs. SunOS
To: Anders Magnusson <>
From: Michael J. Miller Jr. <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/23/1996 15:21:17
On Wed, 23 Oct 1996, Anders Magnusson wrote:

> > 
> Actually, this only shows that there is something fundamentally
> wrong with Solaris. It shouldn't be possible to emulate a system
> with the gain of double speed.

If I were to guess I'd say that you were probably doing this on systems
with a smallish amount of RAM, say 16meg.  Solaris is certainly a memory
hog, and doesn't tend to run properly in anything less than 32, with 
40 or more being ideal for most workstations.  You can get by with less
if you are not running openwindows or X.

Assuming that I'm right, you weren't measuring the "true" performance of 
solaris.  Anytime you have to swap you are going to loose big time.  Note
I'm not singing the praises of solaris here, just trying to explain why this
might happen.

Mike Miller