Subject: Re: HyperSPARC woes...
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/20/1996 14:54:48
>>>>> "Jon" == Jon Buller <> writes:
    Jon> That sounds real slow, does EVERY SPARC kernel do that on ALL
    Jon> traps?  It sounds like a config option that would inline the
    Jon> code for MY machine and eliminate the code for all others
    Jon> would be significantly faster.  (All this from someone who
    Jon> has not looked at the code, but did get an ELC a few months
    Jon> ago and is currently running said code.)

  Since these traps are pointed to by a trap table, wouldn't it make
the most sense to just point at different trap handlers at run-time?

   :!mcr!:            |  Network security consulting and 
   Michael Richardson |      contract programming
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