Subject: Re: Booting SLC's diskless...
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Holo.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/02/1996 21:43:55
[quotes from two different messages here.]

> Now, the SLC has stopped doing anything, and I get nothing but
> 	18:45:18.674791 slc2.713 > taniemarie.1369: udp 4 (ttl 123, id 1234)
> which tells me basically nothing.

> I get lots of messages like
> 	20:06:23.004620 slc2.1023 > taniemarie.739: udp 76 (ttl 64, id 23)
> from tcpdump.

> I don't know what RPC it's looking for.  NFS is up (apparently),
> bootparamd is running, etc.

> I got a couple of:
> 20:05:02.004213 slc2.1023 > taniemarie.sunrpc: udp 76 (ttl 64, id 2)
> 20:05:02.006653 taniemarie.sunrpc > slc2.1023: udp 28 (ttl 64, id 2544)

> but then they stopped.

If you use -x -s 9999 on the tcpdump command and send me the packet
contents, I'll be glad to unpack them for you so you can tell what's
really going on...and/or send you the unpacker program, though I still
don't have it release-ready.

					der Mouse

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