Subject: Re: Boot strangeness...
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Jim Reid <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/30/1996 09:46:23
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Seebach <> writes:

    Peter> Well, I thought I'd experiment with some kernels, and
    Peter> eventually I even got some built on my SLC... But now
    Peter> nothing works again.  The SLC gets to "swap on
    Peter> taniemarie:/scratch/sparc/swapc" (which is correct), and
    Peter> Nothing Happens.  The 4/110 gets to "init: copying out path
    Peter> `/sbin/init' 11" and stops.

This message comes from the kernel when it execs init. I've seen this
when there were no files in /dev, so init couldn't scream down
/dev/console that there were no device files....

Run MAKEDEV in the /dev directory for your diskless client(s).