Subject: Re: Progress on the SS2, questions about probe-scsi
To: None <>
From: Gregory S. Burd <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/11/1996 09:58:06

	Well the whole story is something like this.  The SS2 has an
internal drive that I suppose is at SCSI ID 3.  It used to boot from that
drive until someone wanted it to have X11 and other things on a local disk
to improve the speed.  Well that disk was too small (only 100meg).  So I
hooked up another drive at SCSI ID 2 and changed the boot command to look
to that ID after I built the drive SUNOS 4.1.3.  Then I used the internal
drive as a raw disk for a Sybase database.

	Now the only drive that is on the bus is the internal 100meg drive
and I never changed the hardware settings on that drive.  Nothing is
attached externally.  When I do the probe-scsi, nothing.  Does this point
to a blown fuse?  Or an unrecognizable drive thanks to Sybase?  Or a blown
bus?  Or a blown drive?  How should I diagnose this?  I do have another
drive or two to hook up and run tests.


Gregory Burd          

On Wed, 11 Sep 1996 wrote:

> On Tue, 10 Sep 1996, Greg Burd wrote:
> > Now the problems:
> > 
> > PROBLEM: Although I know I have a SCSI drive in the machine, when
> >          I do a probe-scsi from new command mode the result is a
> >          pause, and then no information and another 'ok' prompt.
> >          Shouldn't I see information on the SCSI drive?
> 	Indeed - this sounds like it _could_ be bad news.
> 	Check the SCSI ID on the drive - if it comes set as SCSI ID 7
> 	then you'll get exactly that behaviour (fujitsu seem to ship
> 	drives set for ID 7 nowdays - bizarre). Check its set for ID 3,
> 	and see if the drive light flickers when you do the probe-scsi.
> 	Apart from that do the traditional check on cables.
> 	Try both with & without the CD-rom drive (and make sure the
> 	CD-rom has a different ID to the drive :) - id 6 is best).
> 	Try the CD-rom drive on its own to see if you can pick that up.
> 	If you cant pick up either device then its possible your SCSI
> 	fuse has blown - I think I have a couple of spare ones lying
> 	around here - I could drop one in the post :)
>                    David/abs             (
> .---- I've been too drunk to love ----.--- I've been too drunk to remember -.
> |          Too drunk to care          |     The hell of the night before    |
> |  Looked like death, felt like Hell  |    I've been drinking myself blind  |
> `------ Been the worse for wear ------'--- And still I'll drink some more --'