Subject: cg8 driver?
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/11/1996 10:04:44
Is anyone out there working on an SBus cg8 driver that I could use in my
IPX?  I'm _really_ getting annoyed at not being able to run some apps due
to no space in the colour map under X.

If not, does anyone have any suggestions about how to get around the 8-bit
problem (I do run things such as XV and Netscape with the relevant options
for private colour maps, but this isn't an option for all apps).

My config is:
IPX w/NetBSD_1.2_Alpha
X11R6.1 w/FVWM window manager (set to use as few colours as possible!)



Brian B. Brown        |
Systems Administrator |
Playfair/ERIC         |
(416) 603 5319        |