Subject: Re: Missing serial characters
To: None <>
From: Gordon W. Ross <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/01/1996 11:35:34
> Date: Sun, 30 Jun 1996 19:00:24 +0200 (MET DST)
> From: (Paul Boven)
> Hi everyone,
> Lately I've been using my Sparc quite a lot with a terminal, and it
> seems that it fairly often loses single characters.
> For instance, very often the `b' from bash$, the prompt,
> Anyone else who has problems like this? Is this a know problem? Fix?
I saw that with an older version of the zs driver (same as the sparc)
but the latest version appears to fix it. There's another reason to
try out the new code on the sparc. (Please forgive the plug! 8^)