Subject: Re: NetBSD <-> OpenBSD
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/28/1996 20:12:58
> What is the difference between NetBSD and OpenBSD ?

The major difference at this point is the people behind them.  (There
are minor differences - this bug is fixed in one and not in the other,
that program works a little differently, that sort of thing - but as
far as I can tell the only major difference is people.)

> Why two free bsd operating system ?

Personalities, largely, in my opinion.  I won't drag the whole
discussion out again; consult the NetBSD mailing list archives if you
want the whole ugly story.  (port-sparc and current-users, at least;
other lists may hold part of it too.)

But I will point out that there are more than two; there's also
FreeBSD.  There may be even more, but those are the only ones I know
of.  (Well, reasonably modern ones, at least.)

					der Mouse