Subject: Re: edlabel
To: Gordon W. Ross <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/27/1996 11:00:51
On Thu, 27 Jun 1996, Gordon W. Ross wrote:

> Did you use the "-r" flag on disklabel?  (N.G. on Sun machines.)

There's the problem right there. I had it running, and then I needed
to change the ordering around to put b after a. I did it with
disklabel -e, but a disklabel -r showed that the ordering was still
the original, so I made a prototype file and relabled with disklablel
-r -R, which is where things started to blow up.

Methinks we need some slightly clearer documentation on this in
the install documents, especially for those of us who don't use
the install scripts.

> I'm pretty sure the Sun PROM code requires the partitions to be
> sorted by beginning cylinder number.  At least, the sun format
> program (which writes the label) enforces that ordering.

Well, the Sun 3 and Sparc PROM boot these disks all right; it's
netbsd that chokes when it attempts to swap. I've only tried this
on the Sun 3 and Sparc, but I've got a spare 386 machine I can try
it on. I suppose I should also try it with a kernel more recent
than 1.1.


Curt Sampson		Info at
Internet Portal Services, Inc.	
Vancouver, BC   (604) 257-9400		De gustibus, aut bene aut nihil.