Subject: Re: IPX serial ports...
To: None <>
From: David S. Miller <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/16/1996 18:10:14
   Date: Sun, 16 Jun 1996 17:20:35 -0700
   From: (Greywolf)

   Is there any way of getting the serial ports on a SPARCstation IPX
   (the din-8 -> DB-25 thingies) to go faster than 38400?  Has anyone
   tried?  I can't quite seem to locate the proper place in the kernel
   for getting and setting the line speed, and where the timing delays
   actually happen.

   What kind of chip sits on an IPX port, anyway?

It is a Zilog 85C30, it cannot go faster than 38400 at least on sun4c
because of the crystal clock frequency being fed into it.

David S. Miller