Subject: Kernel locks at root mount on April 23+ sup
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rob Healey <rhealey@MR.Net>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/25/1996 19:17:47
	After my sup on April 23rd I can no longer make a kernel that will
	get past the "root on sd0a" message during boot. It's a HARD lock
	to, no L1-A will get you out of it, we're talking power switch time.

	And yes, I've wiped everything clean, re-installed all includes, mk,
	etc. the usual cast of suspects and no difference.

	I'm on a SS1+, 36M of memory, 525M Quantum and the April 22 sup
	kernel works like a champ on the same setup.
