Subject: Re: Netscape v2.0 (SunOS 4.1.3_U1) version
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/08/1996 19:18:32
** Reply to note from Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US> 02/08/96 05:49am -0800
> P.S. I have seen amazingly long delays in name resolution via dns when
> > using the dns versions of the Netscape browser. Is Netscape doing
> > something unusual in their SunOS versions such that it has a difficult
> > time talking to bind 4.9.2 resolvers running under SunOS and rebuilt
> > shared C libraries?
> Well, Netscape - netscape_dns - is undoubtedly statically linked against
> the SunOS 4.1.3_U1 libresolv.a, which is as old as the hills (circa 4.8.1).
> Maybe there's some problem there? I use an "old style" /etc/resolv.conf,
> and don't seem to have much of a problem with this ...
> - Greg
could you send me your 'old style' /etc/resolv.conf? I'd appreciate it very much.