Subject: crowded chunk
To: (NetBSD/sparc Maillist) <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/16/1995 18:32:19
	my (-current) kernel reports:

note: crowded chunk at 0x1000000
note: crowded chunk at 0x33ce000
note: crowded chunk at 0x1000000
note: crowded chunk at 0x33ce000

	in a 52Mb (temporarily :) ss2 (12x4 + 4x1)

	Should I be worried?

		David/abs (MIME) +44 171 477 8186  {post,host}master  (abs)
I've been too drunk to love             ||  I've been too drunk to remember
Too drunk to care                       ||     The Hell of the night before
I've looked like death, felt like Hell  ||  I've been drinking myself blind
Been the worse for wear                 ||   And still I'll drink some more