Subject: Re: Emulation of SunOS mmap() problem with MAP_FIXED under 1.0
To: None <>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/12/1995 12:24:28
> I have tried your patched version of Netscape 2beta under NetBSD-current.
> There seems to be some incompatibilities left. Unfortunately, I don't have
> the experience to find said problem. Perhaps this extract from kdump can
> tell you something:
> [...]
> 9376 netscape-2.0beta CALL sunos_mmap(0xf7f80000,0x2000,0x3,0x80000012,
> 0x4,0)
> 9376 netscape-2.0beta RET sunos_mmap -134742016/0xf7f80000
This doesn't seem right. My binary - see the kdump from my previous post -
should use 0x80000002 (MAP_PRIVATE), not 0x80000012 (MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED).
It looks like this is a completely different mmap() call, with a drastically
different address (0xf7f80000, as opposed to 0x40000000) passed in. I guess
what's weird is that I haven't tripped over this one yet, if indeed this is
what it is. Sigh. (Double sigh, because it'll probably affect running
under SunOS as well.)
Can you tell me when this crashed? Was it when you tried to load a Java
> On the other hand the distributed file netscape_dns works. I'm using
> -r-xr-xr-x 1 petersv users 4341760 Oct 7 05:32 netscape_dns
This is an old one, btw. They released a newer one, with size 4325376.
> in case it makes any difference. Everything works nicely, until I try to
> open a Java applet. I'm on an ELC.
You say "works", but then you say "works nicely, until I try to open a Java
applet". That's exactly the situation I'm trying to address. If we can't
make headway right now, I'll certainly address this after NetBSD 1.1 is out.
- Greg