Subject: Re: number eeprom writes.
To: David Gilbert <>
From: Ken Hornstein <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/09/1995 16:39:01
> As I'm trying to get everything going on my old sun4/260, I
>have had to change my configurating using eeprom several times. Once,
>when reading the manual I spotted a little note that the eeprom could
>only be written to a certain number of times. Does anyone have any
>idea what this number is? Also, if this number is exhausted, can the
>chip be ordered to replace it?
It depends on the EEPROM. Some older EEPROMS can be written some thousands
of times. I've seen data sheets that specify tens or hundreds of thousands
of writes for newer EEPROMS. I believe the number of writes to an EEPROM
is heavily temperature dependant, but I'm not sure.
I think you'll be fine unless you write a bunch of times every day.
It's also worth pointing out that EEPROMS eventually lose the charge that
keeps the data on the chip. I've seen this time measured in 10+ years. I
often wonder if EEPROMS in older machines will eventually bit rot and need
to be replaced.