Subject: Re: Kernel config - swap & root question
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Paul Kranenburg <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/11/1995 17:36:03
> Should a swap generic kernel work?
At the very least the GENERIC config file and `config swap generic' are
not as generic as you'd want them to be. My advise is not to use them
until they get fixed.

> 		Then tried the 'correct' 'root on sd1 swap on sd1' and now
> 		it hangs after 'Found boot device sd1' with
> 		'WARNING: preposterous time in filesystem'
> 		'WARNING: clock lost 7851 days -- ...'

This is not to be expected on a freshly newfs'ed filesystem. Did you run
fsck after this or looked at the output of `dumpfs /dev/rsd10'? How did
you label the disk?