Subject: cdrom drivers for -current
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/01/1995 12:40:22
Hi.  After some problems with booting my ELC with a weird cdrom (got the
esp timeout, which I fixed by adding 

       {T_CDROM, T_REMOV,
         "DEC     ", "RRD42   (C) DEC ", "4.3d", SDEV_NOLUNS},

to the tweak list in scsiconf.c, I can now boot, but I still can't use the

First, there are no cd0* devices in /dev, and /dev/MAKEDEV has no entries 
for them.  I found the major number to be 18 in files.sparc.newconf, so
I created one by hand in /dev;

mknod cd0a b 18 0

However, upon trying to use this device, I get 

bash# mount /dev/cd0a /cdrom
/dev/cd0a on /cdrom: Operation not supported by device

bash# mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd0a /cdrom
cd9660: Operation not supported by device

I do have options CD9660 in my conf.

Any ideas?


-- Gabbpuy! -- Abusus non tollit usum! --
Chris Lambertus, Sys. Admin   |
Information Resources ACSM    | (916)752-6547 Fax:(916)752-9145
University of California      | Davis, California 95616
X Windows, IRC Administration | Miscellaneous other gizmos