Subject: Re: Request for NetBSD port status for Sparc
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/22/1995 08:02:02
> I am considering of getting a SparcStation 4/60 (or something like
> that) and run NetBSD 1.0 on it.  [...]  Is the NetBSD port for
> SparcStations complete?  Does it work well on SS1?  Is it able to
> boot via network (I would need this to get the system up for the
> first time).

NetBSD/sparc for sun4c machines is stable enough that it formed an
announced part of the 1.0 release.  It's been evolving since; I don't
know how stable it is at the moment, and any such information would
probably be out of date too fast to be much help. :-)

Does it work well on the SS1?  I don't know; I've been running it on an
IPC, I think (I'm away from the machine), and it's been pretty good.

Does it boot off the net?  I've run it that way.  When I first ran it
diskless, it was very stable (after a couple of bugs were fixed); the
last time I tried it, it tended to hang after five or ten minutes.  I
haven't yet identified what's different, or more precisely, I haven't
identified the relevant difference(s).  (The first attempts were with
pre-1.0 current; the recent attempts were with 1.0.)

					der Mouse