Subject: Re: SYMTAB_SPACE [kernel addresses: how?]
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/29/1994 20:58:16
>> Yes, gdb is confused by executables linked with -T non_standard_addr.
> Has gdb changed that much, or do you mean gdb on NetBSD?

Actually, gdb worked just fine.  I was confused because gdb _wasn't_
confused - and I couldn't figure out why not.  Eventually, someone (pk,
I think) cleared it up, explaining the heuristic gdb uses.

> I ask because I am seriously considering moving our environment to
> NetBSD/sparc, and new hardware will require load addresses more
> radical than 0x1000 or the _staandard_ 0x2020.

As I recall from the aforementioned note, gdb assumes that if the entry
point is sufficiently unreasonable (I don't know precisely what this
means - perhaps as simple as "not in the apparent text segment"), gdb
assumes that the entry point address, rounded down to a page boundary,
is the effective N_TXTADDR, and relocates everything appropriately.

					der Mouse
