Subject: adding a second disk (identical to the first)
To: None <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/17/1994 21:54:55
I stole a second ST1480 from my (linux) pc to put in my 1+.

It doesn't have a sunos label on it, obviously, but I figured I could
dd the first disk onto the second and work from there. I can't plug it
into a sunos machine to label it there, at least not without carrying
bits of hardware further than I'd like to.

This isn't working. It seems to think (somewhat understandably) that
partition `c' on the target disk is 0 blocks in length, just like all
the others. Is there any damn way to get at the physical disk without
it having a label on?

I tried running a sunos `format' binary, just for the hell of it, but
it didn't find any disks.

Does anyone have any suggestions how I might label this disk from
within netbsd? Otherwise I pull the whole mess apart again, connect
both disks to linux, which separates the whole disk device
(/dev/sd[abcd..]) from the partition devices (/dev/sd[abcd..][1234..]), 
and dd them there - but I won't be able to do that for a little while
for various reasons.

