Subject: Re: New SPARC snapshot
To: None <>
From: - Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/09/1994 22:44:48
>OK, ok, ok.
>I'll create a 2nd kernel file once again.  The reason why I blew that away in
>the first place is because the two standard kernels were continually deviating.
>I'll create a config that checks for scsi-id3/sd0 first, then uses * mappings
>to get all the remaining drives.


I was just a little baffled because it took a while for me to figure out what
it was doing (i.e., assigning the sd# based on increasing target i.d.).  It's
a little weird booting with a disk at target i.d. 5  :-)

I like the idea of dynamically configurating the sd #'s, as long as I know how
to get it to work if it makes a mistake  :-)

	- Greg
