Subject: Kernel retrieved (was: kernel wanted...)
To: None <>
From: Missing - presumed fed. <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/30/1994 11:16:10
Thanks first to Theo for acting fast and setting me up with a kernel.
Thanks to the rest of the people who responded, willing to help.
I now have a kernel and everything should be ok from here (replicated
copies will be helpful...)

Thanks again!

Make a hacker happy.  Use a *real* OS.

 ________ _____ ____  ________ _____WHO: Greywolf (my nameplate even says so)
/ ___\ _ \ __\ V / \  / /__ \| | __/WHAT: UNIX System, Admin
\ \| |   < _| ` ' \ '` / \/ /|_| _/ WHERE: Autodesk, Inc.  3 Harbor Dr.
 \___|_|\_\__\|_|  \/\/ \__/___/_|  Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 332-2344 x4219
You are carrying:
    one red potion
    one oil lamp
    50 feet of rope
Puns remaining: 0
What now? _
