Subject: Re: NEW SNAPSHOT! / xterm & TIOCGPGRP
To: None <>
From: - Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/21/1994 02:21:11
>>Do I take it that with this snapshot,
>>I could now try and get "sup" running to upgrade my src from the March 27th
>>pre-"off_t" sources I still have?
>Yes.  The new sources are post-64bit off_t, and you should have minimal
>problems tracking things from here on in (until the next big break-everything
>change).  Be sure to follow current-users as that is where bootstrapping issues
>are normally discussed.

[Much thanks to Theo for his "Late nite hacks 'r Us" instant-o-responses (-: ]

OK, great.  One last clarification; would you recommend trying to fire up a
first-time "sup" with existing source back at March 27th, or should I just
say the heck with it, "rm -rf /usr/src" and download new tarballs?

>>>Just trying to run xterm and I get a "xterm: no available ptys" message.
>>>Using "ktrace" and looking at the xterm source, there "seems" to be a
>>>difference in TIOCGPGRP handling ...
>>I have the *exact* same problem.
>Sorry - you're likely to have that problem for a long time.  The SunOS
>pgrp/session code is more lax and forgiving than POSIX says it should be.  Our
>code is ... probably closer to POSIX.  I presume that SunOS made their pgrp's
>lax so that SunOS 3.5 binaries could run, or perhaps SunOS 4.0 binaries.

Actually, I was beginning to wonder if the session management stuff (which I
think was new as of SunOS 4.1; I remember having to change the port of Jeff
Forys' "skill" super-kill program to accomodate it, since it refs the proc
structure) was getting in the way perhaps.  If you check out the SunOS 4.1.x

#define SESS_SYS        0               /* Default session id (no tty) */
                                        /* Also: goto old sess0, a la BSD */
#define SESS_NEW        1               /* New session wanted, a la posix */

How does NetBSD handle tty sessions?  I assume the latter ...

>Unfortunately it will fail to run a SunOS-compiled xterm if your shell is csh.
>Some have reported that using `sh' works (?)

I tried that ... :-(

netbsd4me:1:28 % finger earle | egrep Shell
Directory: /usr/guest/earle             Shell: /bin/sh

netbsd4me:1:29 % ( setenv SHELL /bin/sh ; xterm -ls )
xterm: no available ptys

Not sure why that would work anyway; I mean, it's xterm that's trying to
allocate the pty, not the shell ...

>There is unlikely to be a fix put in the kernel to get around this problem.
>But, soon there'll be a native X distribution ... right?

Yeah ... my backup strategy is "Hold tight for another week and pray that some
kind soul figures out the necessary patches to build & run X11 R6 pl 0 natively
under NetBSD/SPARC ... " (-:

	- Greg
