Subject: Bootstrapping NetBSD/SPARC
To: None <>
From: - Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/27/1994 04:24:56
Paul Kranenburg writes:
>As I recall, the Sparc-binary tars were meant to be dropped into /bin, /usr/bin
>etc., of an otherwise fully populated ( -current) tree, thus avoiding quite an
>amount of annoying bootstrapping mess.  Admittedly, this is not the smoothest
>of installation procedures imaginable, but at least it provides a starting

CGD wrote (in a private mail):
>In general, "cd /usr/src ; make build" would do the right thing.

Maybe this is why I'm having bootstrapping problems.

I just downloaded the March 27th tar files.  My /usr/src contains:

netbsd4me:80 # pwd

netbsd4me:81 # ls
README.DES-not-here     include/                share/
README.export-control   lib/                    sys/
bin/                    libexec/                usr.bin/
etc/                    lost+found/             usr.sbin/
games/                  regress/
gnu/                    sbin/

Chris' statement seems to imply that there should be a top-level Makefile in
here, with a "build" target.  Did I blow it somewhere or is it not to be
found in all the tar files?

So I tried to wing it by hand (still using the pre-built binaries from Feb. 4)
and did this:

 cd /usr/src/share/mk; make install
 cd /usr/src/include; make && make install

No problems so far.  But then ...

netbsd4me:74 # cd /usr/src/usr.bin/make; make && make install && make clean
cc -O -I/usr/src/usr.bin/make -DPOSIX   -c arch.c
cc -O -I/usr/src/usr.bin/make -DPOSIX   -c util.c
cc -O -I/usr/src/usr.bin/make -DPOSIX   -c \
cc -O -I/usr/src/usr.bin/make -DPOSIX   -c \
cc   -o make arch.o buf.o compat.o cond.o dir.o for.o hash.o job.o main.o \
make.o parse.o str.o suff.o targ.o var.o util.o lstAppend.o lstAtEnd.o \
lstAtFront.o lstClose.o lstConcat.o lstDatum.o lstDeQueue.o lstDestroy.o \
lstDupl.o lstEnQueue.o lstFind.o lstFindFrom.o lstFirst.o lstForEach.o \
lstForEachFrom.o lstInit.o lstInsert.o lstIsAtEnd.o lstIsEmpty.o lstLast.o \
lstMember.o lstNext.o lstOpen.o lstRemove.o lstReplace.o lstSucc.o
compat.o: Undefined symbol ___sF referenced from text segment

[ ... several other references to ___sF, _strerror, and _setenv follow ... ]

var.o: Undefined symbol _setenv referenced from text segment
*** Error code 1


Looks like I need either the top-level /usr/src/Makefile with the Right Steps
in the Right Order, or at least a re-arranged set of makes to get around this
particular problem (looks like maybe libc needs to be re-made first?) of
chicken-and-the-egg ...


	- Greg
