Subject: Re: NetBSD on SPARC?
To: - Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
From: Paul Kranenburg <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/29/1994 19:21:50
> Do you have a Solaris 2.3 AnswerBook CD-ROM handy?  That entire manual is on
> it, in PostScript format.  Given that we have a big honkin' QMS printer at work

Thanks for the tip; there must be one of these around here. [I'll have to wait
till monday to get behind an Openwindow screen again to view, since xnav cannot
handle the new (v2.3) index file format of the Answerbooks ;-(, I regularly
get enquiries from people asking whether it will soon, and I invariably have
to answer "Sorry, the format is undocumented and I haven't got a clue (and I
don't run Solaris 2, either)" ]

> As for the bootable floppy stuff, it's pretty trivial.  The 4.1.x instructions
> are essentially:
>  [...]
> - cp -p /boot /mnt/boot
> - /usr/mdec/installboot -vl /mnt/boot /usr/mdec/bootfd /dev/rfd0a
>  [...]
Shouldn't we be worried about Copyrights and all that when using Sun's boot
programs? I think so... unless we leave this step to users to do themselves
in stead of offering a floppy image to ftp.

> Well, this "port-sparc" list seems to have been nearly completely dormant over
> the past few months, so I was beginning to wonder ...
> Are you at liberty to comment on the "just a few things" there are to resolve?

There are some kernel source integration issues to resolve which I leave to
Theo to comment on (my own kernel tree is a mess at the moment).

As far as userland is concerned, I have a diskless ELC running entirely with
native NetBSD executables (with the exception of /usr/bin/as) and is now also
capable of re-compiling everything itself in stead of relying on cross-compiling
on a SunOS system.

Also, it runs most of SunOS's programs in compatibility mode (X11R5 is the
most rewarding amongst these).

