Subject: Installing NetBSD on Indigo 2 says "int0: unexpected local0 interrupt
To: None <>
From: Volkmar Seifert <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 04/27/2005 11:31:29
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as it seems I was a bit too enthusiastic in my reply to the boot-problem

I can boot the machine from cd, no problem there. Everything starts just
fine - except, that I get uncountable green error messages, stating this:

int0: unexpected local0 interrupt 0

This occurs while printing to stdout, when pressing keys on the
keyboard...and it cripples sysinst's output.

Is there a trick to prevent this? Some setting in the environment may be?

Serial consoles will be hard to use, since I don't have an appropriate
cable, nor the time to look how to create one myself - so I would be
happy if there's another solution (except for wild guessing would the
messages on the screen could mean ;-) )

This is what hinv says:

              System: IP22
           Processor: 200 MHz R4400 with FPU
Primary I-Cache size: 16 KBytes
Primary D-Cache size: 16 KBytes
Secondary Cache size: 1024 KBytes
         Memory size: 384 MBytes
           SCSI Disk: scsi(0)disk(1)
	   SCSI Disk: scsi(0)disk(2)
           SCSI Disk: scsi(0)disk(3)
         SCSI CD-ROM: scsi(1)cdrom(6)
            Graphics: XL
               Audio: IRIS Autio Processer version A2 revision 1.1.0

printenv says much, so here an excerpt of what to me seems relevant:

console    = g
ConsoleOut = video()
ConsoleIn  = keyboard()
gfx        = alive

Thanks for help.


MfG / Sincerely

Volkmar Seifert
Senior Consultant

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