Subject: Re: post installation steps fail
To: Rafal Boni <>
From: Andreas Rother <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 08/27/2002 20:14:21
Rafal Boni wrote:
> The latest official 1.6_RC build is at:
> Let me know if that helps (and how the 1.6_RC install goes should you
> have a go at that),

Thanks for the hint with 1.6_RC. I've downloaded the files and installed the
custom installation without X and games. I'm impressed that I worked so
smooth. Well done!

The issue with the sgi volume header seems to be solved in 1.6_RC. I'm not
that sure because I've messed up my PROM and tried both sgivol and changing
PROM parameters and now it boots without problems.


Andreas Rother

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.