Subject: Re: Now available -- NetBSD/sgimips release images and CD
To: None <>
From: sgimips NetBSD list <>
List: port-sgimips
Date: 12/18/2001 19:41:34
> After many days work, and recent many hours of frustration with
> the sysinst installation tool, I am providing another NetBSD/sgimips
> release snapshot with bootable CD image, as well as netboot and
> ram-filesystem kernel bootp capabilities.

Well, hold the presses.  I've just discovered that the mod that I
had made and thought committed to the cvs tree weren't committed.
This mod links the sgivol command as static, since it's needed
at single-user time with no libraries.  As a result, any newly-
installed disk you attempt to use will not be bootable.

Sorry for this.

I've also discovered that another mod I made to install both the
elf and ecoff boot blocks onto the built disk also got overwritten
by a recent cvs update.  This oversight will make even booting the
distribution CD iamge on an ecoff machine (older INDYs, Challenge S 
and I2 I think) impossible.

There is a workaround for elf machines (Later INDYs) by extracting
the .tgz sets into an NFS mountable root and executing the command
	# /usr/mdec/sgivol -w boot /usr/mdec/sgivol/boot sdX
but this isn't very convenient.

I'm hurriedly repackaging right now.

I'll send email to the list as soon as this new distribution is
