Subject: Create sys/arch/powerpc/dev ?
To: None <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: port-powerpc
Date: 10/27/2007 09:45:00
I would like to create a dev directory in arch/powerpc, to house a few shared

1) Move rtas.c from powerpc/powerpc to powerpc/dev
2) Move openfirm.c from powerpc/powerpc to powerpc/dev

Then, from macppc:

3) move obf.c obf_cons.c ofbvar.h from macppc/dev to powerpc/dev
4) move ofcons.c from macppc/dev to powerpc/dev.  Possibly delete out the
non-console code, and change it from a full pci-attached console driver, into
just a boot console driver.

These drivers could all be easily shared between ofppc and macppc, and I'd like
to put them all in one place rather than reachover into macppc for them.  I'm
not married to putting them in a dev directory, so I'll take other ideas there,
but it seemed the most logical.

There might be others that could be shared, but these are the ones I know of
immediately that can.

Tim Rightnour <>
NetBSD: Free multi-architecture OS
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